5 Ways to Quit Smoking

5 Ways to Quit Smoking

Are you ready to quit smoking? Worried about your commitment especially when you’re living with smokers? Well, it always helps to quit smoking with friends if they support it. Nonetheless, kicking the cigarette butt is easier said than done. Especially when your friends and family members also smoke. While it may seem daunting but you certainly don’t have to give up on your social circle to stop smoking. Rather, figure out effective methods for smoking cessation. Since smoking is injurious to health, smokers must resolve to quit this addiction sooner or later in life.

The risks associated with smoking have been scientifically demonstrated by several research studies. 4,000 chemical substances, 60 of which are carcinogenic – that’s the composition of tobacco smoke. It is dangerous both for active and passive smokers. Although involuntary but passive smoking is one of the direct factors of secondary smoke. Once resolved, it is easy to navigate the triggers of smoking by doing/socializing differently. To be able to quit smoking therefore, one must follow quick tips and effective methods for smoking cessation.

Here are some of the effective methods for smoking cessation that will help control tobacco addiction.

  • Create and establish smoke-free zones
    The best way to handle a no-smoking policy is to discover personal spaces that don’t encourage your smoker friends around. Take time off to spend with other non-smoker friends at a different time such that you can control your temptation. Seek support from your friends such that they help you in quitting this habit.
  • Avoid places where people smoke
    A good way to help stay committed is to avoid regular places where people smoke. While you don’t have to cut off ties with the rest of the world and your core social group, it helps to reduce or completely avoid bumping into regular smoke areas.
  • Avoid alcohol for sometime
    Since alcohol leads to smoking often, it is important that you quit alcohol for the time being. This will help you keep the temptation away and also ensure that you navigate well through smoking triggers.
  • Discard all smoking products from your surroundings
    In case people around you smoke, sharing space will constantly remind you of smoking which is a strong trigger. Identify a corner for yourself and keep it clean, away from smoking products like ashtrays, cigarette packs, and lighters. Any space that reminds you of smoking, change the look and feel of that place by either hanging quirky posters or frames with quotes.
  • Change your routine
    Even mundane activities can trigger an old habit such as smoking after dinner. Make changes to your daily schedule such that the mind focuses on other activities than gravitating towards old habits.

While it is important to focus on trigger factors such that it is easy to quit smoking, make sure you are not too hard on your smoker friends. It may take time but quitting tobacco is a physical and mental process. While physically you need to demonstrate restraint by staying away from regular smoking habits, mentally you have to constantly remind yourself that you don’t smoke anymore.