6 Tips To Prevent Freezer Odors
Food for Health

6 Tips To Prevent Freezer Odors

Freezer odors are an indication that the stored food is not safe for consumption anymore. This may be caused due to the freezer not functioning normally or due to the food being contaminated. With some very simple and easy tips and careful monitoring, it is possible to prevent and banish freezer odors. These steps should become part of your housekeeping routine, as they not only save money but also ensure the prevention of food-borne illnesses. Here are some tips to prevent and banish odors in the freezer Mark your calendar You do not have to wait for “Organize your house day” on January 14. A freezer needs to be cleaned every 2 months, and there is no excuse for delaying it for any more than 3 months. If you have a refrigerator that requires manual defrosting, it is all the more important that you clean it at least four times a year. At the beginning of every year, ensure that you mark 4-5 days, preferably one every quarter, for cleaning your refrigerator and freezer. Keep these dates in mind just as if you would remember pest control or gutter cleaning dates. Vacuum the condensers The condensers have to be in perfect condition to be working perfectly throughout the year.
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Recipes For Lymphoma Recovery
Food for Health

Recipes For Lymphoma Recovery

The treatment for cancer has its own side-effects as procedures like chemotherapy can leave one completely drained of energy, nauseous, dizzy, and with a total lack of appetite. This makes the right diet crucial for individuals recovering from lymphoma as this will enable them to rebuild their strength. Recipes for people recovering from this condition should be nutritious, bland, and easy to digest, fight fatigue and help weight gain. One should eat only fresh meals as far as possible and eat frequent, smaller meals rather than three larger meals. Given below are five recipes that use foods that help manage and recover from lymphoma. Bean soup Soak about 250 grams of cannellini, red kidney beans, and black-eyed beans overnight. Sauté 1 onion and 4 cloves garlic and 1 tbsp of sage lightly in olive oil. Set aside for later. Pressure cook or slow cook beans until soft. Add a liter of water and 1.5 liters of vegetable stock, 1 cubed potato, 1 chopped carrot, 1 cup of shredded cabbage, and 1 tbsp of chopped parsley to the broth. Add 1 can of tomatoes, ground pepper, and ground paprika. Add the sautéed mixture. Stir all the ingredients together and simmer for about 30 minutes on low heat.
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Prevent Food-Borne Illnesses Through Safe Refrigeration
Food for Health

Prevent Food-Borne Illnesses Through Safe Refrigeration

A refrigerator might have the latest technology and safety features, but food deterioration and contamination cannot be prevented if mold or bacteria begin to grow inside it. Fluctuating temperatures, packing the refrigerator with food so tight that air cannot circulate, blocking the cooling units and preventing uniform cooling, and not cleaning the refrigerator periodically are all invitations to food-borne illnesses. This article has some safety and storage tips for refrigerating food to keep these concerns away and keep the food fresh. Mold Mold is a type of fungus that can grow both indoors and outdoors. It is mostly black or green and grows in moist places with no direct sunlight. Exposure to mold can cause infections and result in coughing, sneezing, headaches, and even respiratory diseases. A refrigerator is an ideal place for mold to thrive as it is moist, dark, and there is hardly any air circulation. You can find mold in the drawers or the gasket of the refrigerator door as well as on the shelves and interior walls if spilled food is left unattended. Mold can also form in food even if it is covered and dry but has been lying in the refrigerator for a long time.
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Tips for Avoiding Alcohol on the Keto Diet
Food for Health

Tips for Avoiding Alcohol on the Keto Diet

People generally follow the ketogenic diet which is a very low-carb diet for sustainable weight loss to get more energy and better brainpower. Since the keto diet is a low-carb one, the question of whether you can consume alcohol naturally arises. The very short and simple answer to that question would be yes, but the type and quantity of alcohol that you consume really matters. For the most part, you can have a keto friendly-drink or two while you are on ketosis. Read on to find out all about the dos and don’ts that you can do before having alcoholic beverages in the keto diet. Things to do before drinking even keto-friendly alcohol If you are a keto dieter, you really need not worry as there are many low-carb options out there for you. Pure alcoholic beverages like vodka, tequila, whiskey, bourbon, and rum are the best drinks to start as they have the lowest carbs per shot. Although you can drink alcohol while you are on the keto diet, you will need to be smart about it and plan to take some extra precautions. It helps if you eat a keto-friendly meal before you have a drink. Loading yourself up on carbs before a night of drinking is not the best option for you.
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A Guide to Buying Healthy Cat Treats
Food for Health

A Guide to Buying Healthy Cat Treats

If you are a cat lover, chances are that you have a furry one as part of your family. It is a pleasure to see them enjoying tasty treats every now and then, but not all the treats that you pick off the shelves to give them are beneficial and safe for their health. So, it is essential that you choose treats wisely for your pet. Here are some useful tips for buying healthy cat treats to ensure that your pet enjoys them without raising concerns about their health: Always set a limit on the consumption of treats You might feel tempted to give your cat as many treats as they want, but that isn’t a good idea at all. Remember that the treats are not as wholesome and nutritious as meals, and some even emphasize so much on the taste factor that they lack the essential vitamins and minerals. While treats are not harmful, you should only give them to your cat in a measured proportion to prevent any negative effects on health. The thumb rule is to ensure that treats are not more than 10% of your cat’s daily diet. Consult a veterinarian One of the most helpful tips for buying healthy cat treats is to consult a vet.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid to Manage Arthritis Pain
Food for Health

Foods to Eat and Avoid to Manage Arthritis Pain

Pain caused due to inflammation and wear and tear in the joints and the tissues around the joints is a result of arthritis. Pain, stiffness, and swelling around the joints are some symptoms of arthritis, and this pain can cause mild to severe effects if left untreated. Although the term arthritis refers to over 200 conditions affecting the joints, the two most common types of arthritis pain are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the body’s immune system starts attacking the cells around the joints. The areas mostly affected by such pain are the elbow, wrist, feet, back, and feet. If not treated, this pain can lead to muscle weakness and stiffness, and can also cause bone deformation. Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is caused due to wear and tear of tissues around the joints and is also a common type of arthritis. Although pain due to arthritis is not curable, one can ease the pain through regular medication and exercise, along with maintaining a healthy weight and eating nutritious foods. The following are some of the top foods to manage arthritis pain: Omega-3 fatty acids Rich in polyunsaturated fats and having anti-inflammatory properties, foods with omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the pain and stiffness caused due to arthritis.
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Foods That Can Help Relieve Gout
Food for Health

Foods That Can Help Relieve Gout

Gout is a form of arthritis that causes pain and is similar to osteoarthritis. The prime cause of gout is high uric acid buildup in the blood. These uric acids get accumulated in the joints and cause inflammation with discomfort and pain. Along with medication, there are some natural ways to relieve gout. Consumption of certain food helps to reduce the symptoms of gout. Cherries or tart cherry juice Cherries (whether sour, sweet, red, black) are great for gout. Along with other diseases, it is also potentially successful in relieving the symptoms of gout. Ginger The culinary food and herb, ginger is prescribed for most inflammatory conditions. It is especially highly recommended for gout. According to studies, topical ginger can reduce pain related to uric acid in gout. However, you can have it in any form. Warm water with turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and turmeric are usually recommended to relieve the symptoms of gout. The mix of these three results in a pleasant beverage and remedy. According to various studies, lemon juice and turmeric work towards reducing the symptoms of gout. However, always use warm water to make this combination. Celery or celery seeds Traditionally, celery was used in the treatment of urinary issues.
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Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Thyroid Cancer
Food for Health

Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine cancer. The incidence of cancer is preceded by an increase in the risk factors. Is it possible to reduce the risk of thyroid cancer? Yes, you can reduce the risk by following preventative measures for thyroid cancer. This can be achieved by making alterations in your lifestyle, making different choices in foods that you eat and exercising. Though there is not any particular measure you can follow to prevent thyroid disease, there are certain preventative measures for thyroid cancer that you can adopt. These measures include eating foods that can help in not only reducing the risk of thyroid cancer but may also stop the progression if you have already been diagnosed. Here is a list of foods that you can eat as preventative measures for thyroid cancer: Eat a lot of vegetables every day You should aim for a balanced diet on a daily basis which should include a sizeable portion of vegetables. A diet with a large amount of vegetables is known to reduce the risk of thyroid cancer by as much as 25%, according to a recently conducted study. Prefer more of whole grains Your diet should contain more whole grains as a part of preventative measures for thyroid cancer.
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7 Paleo Diet Tips for Women
Food for Health

7 Paleo Diet Tips for Women

The Paleo diet is closely linked to what our hunter-gatherer human ancestors ate. Researchers have claimed that our ancestors’ diet mainly contained whole foods. A whole food diet and an active lifestyle prevented the onset of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and obesity. This is why the Paleo diet has been known to be one of the healthiest choices. Here are some tips for women while they are following the Paleo diet. A Paleo diet contains natural foods presumed to be available to hunter-gatherer communities in their harsh habitats. Women need wholesome nutrition, to endure an entire day of chores, whether at home or at work. The paleo diet consists of foods that provide raw energy, in its natural, unprocessed form. Sugar, artificial additives, and sweeteners combine to form a major part of processed foods and are thus avoided. Women possess a different constitution than men. The estrogen hormone performs a substantial role in keeping women healthy. Fragile bones or osteoporosis, an under- or over-active thyroid gland, all need to be prevented or taken care of. Calcium and magnesium are required to work together to manage these conditions, and a Paleo diet has plenty of foods containing both these nutrients. Examples include almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, organ meat, bone broth, fish, shrimp, oysters, sardines, fruits like oranges, figs, vegetables like spinach, Swiss chards, sweet potatoes, artichokes, and flax seeds, pumpkin, sunflower, and sesame seeds, cashews, and almonds.
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5 Guilt-Free Low Cholesterol Snacks
Food for Health

5 Guilt-Free Low Cholesterol Snacks

Cholesterol has many uses in the body. However, if found in excess and if it accumulates in the wrong places in the body, it can cause serious illnesses. If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, you have to ensure to keep a check on your diet. Listed here are five low-cholesterol snacks you can enjoy guilt-free between your meals. What’s more, they are fuss-free and easy to make in a jiffy. Whole grain toasts Whole grain bread is an excellent source of soluble fiber that helps in proper digestion and maintains cholesterol at a consistent, healthy level. LDL lowering phytosterols are plant cholesterols found in whole grains and vegetables. Hence, a combination of the two in the form of a nutritious sandwich is a good guilt-free snack. Lightly toast a couple of slices of wholegrain bread and stack them with some baby spinach, sliced avocados, olives, cherry tomatoes, and grated carrots. Drizzle a little olive oil, add some salt and freshly crushed black pepper over it and bite into this when hungry. Oats with apples and cranberries To regain lost energy instantly between meals, put together a bowl of cooked oats with some fresh apple and dried unsweetened cranberries.
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