6 Best Exercises to Manage Asthma
Natural Remedies

6 Best Exercises to Manage Asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes inflammation in your airways, resulting in difficulty in breathing, constant coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. This is a lifetime condition that can be controlled rather than cured. Asthma attacks can be terrifying and are usually managed by using inhalers and prescription medications. Apart from medications, exercise is a lifestyle change that can make a significant difference in reducing the intensity of the condition. Here are some lifestyle tips for managing asthma. Swimming One of the best lifestyle tips for managing asthma is to take up swimming. It is a great exercise that builds your lung muscles. When you are under water, the damp air is good for soothing the lungs and hence reducing coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. Swimming regularly can make the lungs stronger and hence make the condition bearable with time. Yoga The basic idea of yoga is controlled breathing. All the yoga poses and meditation techniques help you control your breathing process. This, in turn, makes the lungs stronger and more active. This lifestyle tip for managing asthma will also keep your mind fresher and calmer. Biking If you love riding your bike amidst calm and serene locations, then this form of exercise to help control your condition is something that you will enjoy.
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Diet Tips to Help Dogs Lose Weight
Natural Remedies

Diet Tips to Help Dogs Lose Weight

No matter how much you like to pamper your dog, you should always ensure that your furry friend is not gaining too much weight. Some breeds tend to gain weight, and they experience certain problems as they become older, like a lack of flexibility to move. If your dog is gaining a lot of weight, you can follow some healthy dog food tips to ensure that they also lose the extra pounds: Feed them more protein and fewer carbohydrates A common healthy dog food tip is to feed your overweight dog more protein and fewer carbohydrates as this ratio matters a lot. Dogs thrive on a high-protein diet, which helps them build lean muscles, so a weight loss diet for your dog should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates, and it should have moderate fat content. This combination satisfies their appetite, while also keeping their weight in check. Avoid foods rich in fiber This is one of the most important healthy dog food tips to consider for overweight dogs. Fiber is the indigestible part of carbohydrates and adds to your dog’s weight. Additionally, it does not let your dog feel full or satisfied, and too much fiber can interfere with the process of nutrient absorption.
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Home Remedies to Treat Hair Loss in Thyroid Patients
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies to Treat Hair Loss in Thyroid Patients

The thyroid gland may be small but it plays an important role in many internal functions. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause hair loss and thinning hair. Drugs used to combat thyroid disorders can also cause hair fall. The good news is that there are a number of natural treatments to combat hair loss that can help. Some of the best home remedies are: Add ginger and turmeric Spices and herbs such as ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. The curcumin in turmeric can help improve endocrine functioning and thus reduce hair loss. Ginger and turmeric can be used in many different ways – they can be blended and added to smoothies or used to flavor a stir fry. Get some sun In the case of thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism, the body may develop a Vitamin D deficiency. Thus, one of the best natural treatments to combat hair loss is exposure to sunlight, which the best source of Vitamin D. Early morning is the best time to sit in the sun. All you need is about 20 minutes. This will increase the production of the thyroid hormone and boost metabolism, thereby improving hair growth. Eat home-cooked foods When suffering from a thyroid disorder, one should also avoid foods with a high sugar content, alcohol, and caffeine.
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Foods That Can Help Relieve Gout
Food for Health

Foods That Can Help Relieve Gout

Gout is a form of arthritis that causes pain and is similar to osteoarthritis. The prime cause of gout is high uric acid buildup in the blood. These uric acids get accumulated in the joints and cause inflammation with discomfort and pain. Along with medication, there are some natural ways to relieve gout. Consumption of certain food helps to reduce the symptoms of gout. Cherries or tart cherry juice Cherries (whether sour, sweet, red, black) are great for gout. Along with other diseases, it is also potentially successful in relieving the symptoms of gout. Ginger The culinary food and herb, ginger is prescribed for most inflammatory conditions. It is especially highly recommended for gout. According to studies, topical ginger can reduce pain related to uric acid in gout. However, you can have it in any form. Warm water with turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and turmeric are usually recommended to relieve the symptoms of gout. The mix of these three results in a pleasant beverage and remedy. According to various studies, lemon juice and turmeric work towards reducing the symptoms of gout. However, always use warm water to make this combination. Celery or celery seeds Traditionally, celery was used in the treatment of urinary issues.
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Natural Acid Reflux Remedies During Pregnancy
Natural Remedies

Natural Acid Reflux Remedies During Pregnancy

The symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are quite common during pregnancy. Heartburns are more prevalent and it often gets worse throughout the pregnancy. However, it rarely causes complications. The treatment of GERD is the same as that of a person who is not pregnant. However, it is essential to avoid medicines as much as possible to avoid complications. Here is a list of effective natural remedies for acid reflux and GERD during pregnancy. Water Staying hydrated comes with a myriad of benefits. It helps reduce heartburn and other symptoms of GERD. But, don’t just gulp it down; it can increase your symptoms because water can fill up your digestive tract. Hence, always sip water throughout the day instead of gulping it down once or twice. Fresh lemon juice Lemon works miracles. Its juice is known to increase the production of digestive juices and bile. Hence, it helps balance your stomach acid and aids in digestion, too. Simply squeeze a wedge or two of lemon in an eight-ounce glass of water. If you want to make the mixture more palatable, you can add a small amount of honey and serve it as homemade lemonade. Peppermint It is a great way to soothe your acid reflux.
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Natural Flea Remedies for Dogs
Natural Remedies

Natural Flea Remedies for Dogs

Fleas and mosquitoes carry life-threatening diseases like Lyme disease, heartworm, and tapeworms when they rear on your pet dog. Dogs get itchy and scratchy, but many dog owners do not like medication and instead, they look for home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs. While an easy option is to kill them by administering oral drugs, another way suggested by vets is to go with traditional preventatives. For dogs who are not on traditional monthly flea and mosquito prevention medication, blood testing is recommended every 3 to 6 months. These tests will monitor for heartworm or tapeworm and other tick-borne diseases. However, you have nothing to worry about as simply following a few home remedies can help you to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs. If you suspect that your dog has fleas, you can find out by making your dog stand on a moist towel and brush them. If little dirt specs fall on the towel and turn red or brown, your dog has ticks. Here are some best home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs: Use vinegar – a pet-friendly cleaning solution Fleas are averse to the smell of vinegar, and you must use it to your advantage.
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Natural Ways to Treat Acne During Pregnancy
Natural Remedies

Natural Ways to Treat Acne During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can make your hormone levels fluctuate. The surge of androgen hormones can trigger an acne breakout. Similarly, progesterone can clog pores and cause zits. The good news is that pregnancy acne is temporary. With a few natural anti-acne skin care tips, you can easily keep acne from getting worse. Some of the best natural ways to treat pregnancy acne are: Add essential oils to your skin care routine Oils such as those extracted from jojoba, lavender, tea tree, and clary sage can help balance hormone levels and relieve stress. They are gentle and keep your skin from drying out. One of the most popular natural anti-acne skin care tips that can help manage breakouts is to massage your face with a few drops of these essential oils after washing it. Drink plenty of water Staying hydrated is one of the natural anti-acne skin care tips that is applicable during pregnancy and even if you are not pregnant. Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin hydrated and help eliminate toxins from the body. Ideally, you should drink around 8 liters of water every day. It’s best to stay away from carbonated drinks and caffeine. Oatmeal, cucumber, and aloe vera face mask A DIY face mask can cool and soothe the skin.
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Natural Ways to Treat Flu in Children
Natural Remedies

Natural Ways to Treat Flu in Children

Treating and caring for an ill child can be quite stressful. At the same time, it is immensely painful and difficult for parents to see their child suffer. Cold and common flu is among the most common ailments to affect children, especially when there is a change in the weather. While certain medicines are available, you should try natural remedies for cold and flu for young children. Unlike medications, natural treatments have side effects. So, here are some of these for you to check out. A teaspoon of honey every morning The worst thing about cold and flu is that they exhibit a lot of symptoms. Of course, cough is a major one among them. If your child is unable to sleep peacefully due to constant coughing, do give them a teaspoon of honey every morning before they brush their teeth. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for cold and flu for children. Follow this ritual for a few days and the nighttime cough will be significantly less, letting your child sleep. However, this remedy is applicable only for children older than 1 year. Use a bulb suction Sometimes the mucus that has already accumulated in the nasal tract creates trouble.
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Safe and Unsafe Essential Oils for Pets
Natural Remedies

Safe and Unsafe Essential Oils for Pets

Essential oils have often been advertised as a pet-friendly and natural course of treatment for several health issues. They are an alternative to traditional medicine, and since they have garnered massive attention in recent years, several dog owners have expressed an interest to try them. Essential oils are believed to be effective in treating everything from anxiety to skin conditions. However, just because essential oils are natural doesn’t mean they are also safe. There could be risks in using some essential oils, so certain factors are to be considered before using essential oils for pets. Despite natural extracts, essential oils are not entirely safe for use around pets. Every essential oil, whether applied topically or diffused throughout the room, has benefits and side effects at the same time. If you are planning to buy one, ensure that you conduct enough research regarding its benefits and ill-effects for your pet. Since pets have a heightened and more sensitive sense of smell than humans, certain essential oils are potential irritants for them as they have overpowering fragrances. Once you know the factors to consider before using essential oils for pets, you can choose the safest one for your pet. This article helps you understand which essential oils are safe for pets, along with which ones are unsafe for them:
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Top Foods to Manage Erectile Dysfunction
Natural Remedies

Top Foods to Manage Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be an embarrassing condition. It can be a temporary issue for some men but for others it may be a more chronic problem. There are a number of different ways to treat this condition depending on the factors causing it. In some cases, following a few natural remedies for erectile dysfunction can help relieve the condition. Your diet plays an important role here. Some of the top foods that can help are: Leafy green vegetables Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, beet leaves, kale, etc. are a healthy addition to any diet. They may be best known as rich sources of iron but these vegetables also have high nitrate concentration. Nitrates are vasodilators. This means that they open up blood vessels. In turn, this increases blood flow and aids in better circulation. Dark chocolate Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that also help improve blood circulation. Flavonoids refer to antioxidants that occur naturally and help repair cell damage. They are also responsible for lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure, both of which can contribute to erectile dysfunction. In addition, dark chocolate also increases dopamine levels in the body. Dopamine is also known as the pleasure hormone. Pistachios Pistachios contain a protein known as arginine.
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