Natural Ways to Treat Flu in Children

Natural Ways to Treat Flu in Children

Treating and caring for an ill child can be quite stressful. At the same time, it is immensely painful and difficult for parents to see their child suffer. Cold and common flu is among the most common ailments to affect children, especially when there is a change in the weather. While certain medicines are available, you should try natural remedies for cold and flu for young children. Unlike medications, natural treatments have side effects. So, here are some of these for you to check out.

A teaspoon of honey every morning
The worst thing about cold and flu is that they exhibit a lot of symptoms. Of course, cough is a major one among them. If your child is unable to sleep peacefully due to constant coughing, do give them a teaspoon of honey every morning before they brush their teeth. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for cold and flu for children. Follow this ritual for a few days and the nighttime cough will be significantly less, letting your child sleep. However, this remedy is applicable only for children older than 1 year.

Use a bulb suction
Sometimes the mucus that has already accumulated in the nasal tract creates trouble. Due to this, your little one might have difficulty breathing. Small children are usually unable to blow their nose properly. As one of the natural remedies for cold and flu, you can use a safe and medically approved bulb suction to remove the mucus and provide relief to your child.

Encourage your child to breathe in vapors
This is one of the effective natural remedies for cold and flu. You need to help your child breathe in the moist and warm water vapor or steam. Cover their heads with a soft cloth and ask them to gradually breathe in by putting their heads down towards the bowl containing the warm water. This process loosens the hardened mucus to create a blockage in the respiratory tract of your child.

Give your child plenty of warm fluids
Warm fluids, ranging from milk to fruit juices, can be highly effective to treat the symptoms of cold and flu. Most children suffering from the flu also vomit and may suffer from diarrhea. Both of these lead to subsequent fluid loss, making your child weaker and tired. The warm fluid supplements can provide considerable relief to your child.

Use these natural remedies for cold and flu to not just relieve your child from the pain but also keep them safe from the harmful side effects of strong medicines.