The Best Foods to Manage  Migraine Symptoms
Natural Remedies

The Best Foods to Manage Migraine Symptoms

Migraine, a painful condition, is quite common and millions suffer from it worldwide. Significantly different than a common headache, migraine is characterized by a recurrent, throbbing headache that can last for up to three days. Some of the typical symptoms include pain on one side of the head, nausea, hypersensitivity to light, smell, and sounds, visual disturbances. Migraines are barely curable with medicines though there are a few home remedies for migraines. These home remedies mostly consist of foods that help manage the condition. Such foods are: Fruits and vegetables Migraines strike due to so many factors and one of them is increased levels of estrogen, especially in women. Now, fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes contain plant estrogens, which work well in counter-attacking the natural effects of the estrogen produced in our bodies. That is why many women get migraines during their period. Fruits and vegetables contain fiber that removes the excess estrogen instead of recycling it to your bloodstream. So, if you are actively looking for home remedies for migraines, one of them would be to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Fatty fish Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and trout, are great for your heart health and to help control migraines.
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Yoga Poses to Cope With Multiple Sclerosis
Natural Remedies

Yoga Poses to Cope With Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a lifelong condition that causes the immune system to attack the protective layers of the nerves, resulting in physical impairment and the inability to function normally. MS can cause difficulty in balancing, muscle control, and being independent. If you, or someone you know, has MS, exercises can be extremely beneficial in maintaining a healthy life. The most important lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis include being physically active. Yoga can be an excellent way to get some physical activity. Here are some top yoga poses that you can practice at home to get stronger and more coordinated. Downward facing dog This is also called Adho Mukha Svanasana. This pose resembles a dog that faces the ground. In this pose, the person stands in a ‘V’ shape with the hands and feet on the ground at a distance and the hips reaching to the sky. This pose stretches the hips, shoulder, spine, arms, and calf muscles and lets your body relax and loosen up at the end of the pose. You can also do the pose by holding a chair instead of keeping your palms on the ground. Healthy lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis, such as yoga, make a significant difference in the quality of your life.
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Exercise Options to Manage ADHD
Natural Remedies

Exercise Options to Manage ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder that can affect anyone but is commonly seen in children. A neurological disorder, it shows persistent symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, and impulsive acts. Although there is no cure for this disorder, following a healthy diet, making certain lifestyle changes, exercising regularly, and taking proper medication can help control and prevent the symptoms of the condition. Following a regular exercise regimen helps boost moods and brainpower, while also helping to maintain healthy bones and muscles. Organising fun activities like peek-a-boo, treasure hunt, and such can help in encouraging interaction with people and also develop self confidence. Here are some types of physical exercises that can help patients of ADHD: Aerobics Incorporating activities like cycling, swimming, or running for a period of 30-40 minutes in the daily routine helps boost heart rate and improves concentration levels. Strength training A natural treatment for ADHD, including strength training in one’s exercise regimen is extremely helpful in managing the condition. Practicing push-ups, pull-ups, lifting dumbbells, rock climbing, and such are different types of strength training. This form of exercise boosts metabolism, improves movement and flexibility, and also helps in slowing down the effects of ADHD.
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Top Natural Remedies for Juvenile Diabetes
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Juvenile Diabetes

When type 1 diabetes is detected in children or teenagers, it is referred to as juvenile diabetes. In this condition, the pancreas produces little or no insulin. However, these days, diabetes is considered to be more of a lifestyle disorder than a disease and therefore, the importance of dietary and lifestyle changes to manage diabetes is increasing. Even for juvenile diabetes, you can use certain natural remedies instead of resorting to medications that have long-term side effects on your child. Let’s look into some of these natural remedies. Alpha-lipoic acid Alpha-lipoic acid or ALA is an antioxidant that is found in foods such as spinach, potatoes, and broccoli. ALA is effective in reducing the extent of nerve damage caused by diabetes. Therefore, it is highly recommended for children with juvenile diabetes. ALA is also used in diabetic Neurotherapy and administered intravenously for better results. It enhances the body’s reception of insulin. Including foods rich in ALA is one of the important dietary and lifestyle changes to manage diabetes. Aloe vera Intake of aloe vera consistently helps in reducing blood sugar levels, as indicated by medical research. It is considered even more applicable for juvenile diabetes as aloe vera has a low laxative effect than in children than in adults.
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Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth
Natural Remedies

Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

White and bright teeth improve your smile and boost confidence levels. Taking good care of your oral health is one of the best ways to keep your teeth strong, healthy, and white. While you may be diligent enough to brush and floss your teeth every day, your teeth may still appear yellow and stained due to age and certain foods and beverages. While there are plenty of teeth whitening products to choose from, most of them have chemicals that bleach the teeth and are harmful when used frequently. If you want to whiten your teeth the natural way, i.e. without the use of chemicals, here are some natural teeth whitening products that you can try. Baking soda Brushing with baking soda is one of the easiest ways to whiten your teeth naturally. It has mild abrasive properties that help remove surface stains to make your teeth appear whiter and brighter. Baking soda also creates an alkaline environment in the mouth to check bacterial growth. It might help remove plaque too and improve your oral health. Baking soda is also one of the main teeth whitening products used in most toothpaste. Apple cider vinegar Apple cider vinegar has an active ingredient called acetic acid that helps kill bacteria and whiten teeth.
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