6 Tips To Prevent Freezer Odors
Freezer odors are an indication that the stored food is not safe for consumption anymore. This may be caused due to the freezer not functioning normally or due to the food being contaminated. With some very simple and easy tips and careful monitoring, it is possible to prevent and banish freezer odors. These steps should become part of your housekeeping routine, as they not only save money but also ensure the prevention of food-borne illnesses. Here are some tips to prevent and banish odors in the freezer
- Mark your calendar
You do not have to wait for “Organize your house day” on January 14. A freezer needs to be cleaned every 2 months, and there is no excuse for delaying it for any more than 3 months. If you have a refrigerator that requires manual defrosting, it is all the more important that you clean it at least four times a year. At the beginning of every year, ensure that you mark 4-5 days, preferably one every quarter, for cleaning your refrigerator and freezer. Keep these dates in mind just as if you would remember pest control or gutter cleaning dates. - Vacuum the condensers
The condensers have to be in perfect condition to be working perfectly throughout the year. The coils are present on the sides or the undersides of the refrigerator, depending on the brand. Dust, pet fur, and other particles settle on the condenser and affect its performance, so the coils must be cleaned periodically. Ensure that you disconnect the power supply when you clean the condenser coil and resume it once you are done. A condenser not working to its full capacity causes the temperature to fall and food to thaw and rot. - Maintain the ideal temperature
The ideal and recommended temperature for a freezer is 0°F. You can check the temperature with a food thermometer to check whether it is right. Keep the fridge away from stoves and ovens, and do not open the freezer door often to prevent fluctuations in temperature, which could lead to food getting spoiled. This a helpful tip to prevent and banish freezer odors. - Defrost regularly
If your refrigerator requires manual defrosting, shift the food into coolers and defrost as soon as the ice is about 1-inch thick. This ensures that the freezer functions well, while also creating additional storage space. - Check the freezer door
If the freezer doors are not closed tight, cold air could escape, temperature could fluctuate, and food could begin to thaw. The seals around the freezer doors are prone to frequent breaking, so check the seals or gaskets if they do not shut tight. If they are broken or cracked, you can buy ready-made seals and gaskets online to replace them. If there is no damage and the doors shut tight, remove and clean the gaskets before fixing them again. Additionally, if you are going away for a few days, ensure that the freezer door is shut tight. - Stock the freezer
Another tip to banish freezer odors is to keep the freezer well-stocked as it helps maintain the temperature better and increases the efficiency of the freezer.