Saving For College – Tips For Students With A Late Start

Saving For College – Tips For Students With A Late Start

Paying for college tuition fees can be difficult, and most students are aware of this. So, to ensure that they do not face any troubles before joining college, they start saving way before they are in college. However, sometimes, there can be some expenses in life for which you might not be prepared at all. Expenses like health emergencies can throw you off your savings track, making it very difficult for you to get back in line with your plans. Not only do you lose out on the money, but you also lose out on time to start saving for your college again.

At such times, there are several tips for students to start saving for college again. Any money that you will be able to save before college even after starting late will be the money that you will not have to borrow.

So, here are some useful tips for saving for college for students who have to start from scratch.

  • Continue saving after getting into college
    It is a common mistake for most students to stop saving once they get into college. However, remember that your target is not just reaching the first year of your college. Besides, you started late, so you will need as much money as you can accumulate. So, continue with your savings even after you have gotten into a college. Not only will this help you pay for your forthcoming terms, but it will also help you take care of all your miscellaneous expenses.
  • Go for a combination of types of finances to pay your fee
    Even if you have started late, there’s no need to panic. Every penny that you are saving will make a difference in the amount that you will have to borrow. Even if you have started late, whatever you can manage to save can be clubbed with some loan amount for your college fee. The amount you will need to save and the amount you will have to borrow can be calculated by the simple rule of thirds. One-third of the fee should come from your savings, one-third from a part-time job, and one-third from your student loan.
  • Consider pursuing your academics at a less expensive college
    Since you have just started saving, the best way to avoid financial stress will be to opt for college and apply early on. You can also apply for scholarships in college. If you are good at sports, academics, or any extracurricular activity, you are eligible for applying for a scholarship. Additionally, keep in mind that applying early significantly increases your chances of getting a scholarship. If you continue saving by following the other tips as well, by the time you graduate, not only will you have paid your college fee, but you will also have some savings at hand.