The Pros and Cons of Buying vs. Renting Furniture

The Pros and Cons of Buying vs. Renting Furniture

Every new homeowner spends a lot of time thinking about furnishing their home. This would make them consider the pros and cons of buying vs. renting furniture. After all, investing in furniture is a lot of commitment and you do not want to make a mistake. If you have not been able to make up your mind about buying or renting new furniture for your house, you must take into consideration various factors such as your family size, your work commitments, location, and so on.

To help you decide, here are the main pros and cons of buying vs. renting furniture that you must consider.

The pros of renting

  • Lets you relocate with ease
    When you are wondering about the pros and cons of buying vs. renting furniture, make sure that you take your current and future location into consideration. If you are planning on leaving the city soon for work, it makes more sense to get a new home with rented furniture rather than shipping all of your existing furniture to a new place. Imagine all the shipping costs that you would have to bear. Renting provides a huge benefit of temporary arrangements.
  • Allows for experimentation with the look and feel
    Renting gives you the liberty to experiment with the look and feel of your home now and then. If you like to give makeovers to your home frequently, renting new furniture will truly delight your guests and earn you compliments.

The cons of renting

  • Lack of ownership
    When you are buying a new house for yourself, you might want to feel at home every time you enter the room. With rented furniture, you might not feel a sense of belonging.
  • Steep costs
    In many cases, renting can be costly. As you have to return it all, you cannot even sell it and earn. If you cannot afford new furniture, you can always choose refurbished options or seek giveaways from family members.

The pros of buying

  • Sense of pride
    If you are extremely particular about the kind of furniture you want, buying is the best option for you. You get a sense of pride from saving up and owning certain pieces of furniture that become classics and a talking point at parties.
  • Better interior décor
    When you buy, you can mix and match things to create your own living space. With renting, you need to adjust and take what you get. This is a major point that works in favor of buying furniture.

The cons of buying furniture

  • It costs a fortune
    Buying furniture requires a heavy upfront cost, and not everyone wants to make that kind of an investment. In such cases, renting furniture is a better deal.
  • Difficult transportation
    When you buy furniture, you need to carry it around with you whenever you move. This can be a problem if you move homes frequently.